Coffee enemas have appeared in medical writings dating back to ancient Egypt and have been cited in case reports and articles from the late 1800s.

The purpose of coffee enemas is to stimulate the liver to increase its detoxification of the blood and decrease the toxic load on the liver. This includes removing a variety of toxins and free radicals from the bloodstream. They assist the liver so as not to overburden an already sluggish and toxic liver with the flood of toxins dislodged from the clean, nutrient-dense food and juice from good diet that includes plant foods.

Electrolytes are lost during evacuation and therefore coffee enemas should always be balanced by juice. The typical ratio is 3:1 (three, 8 oz. juices organic vegetable juices like green, carrot, carrot/apple for each coffee enema). Drink plenty of water. It is better to not do a coffee enema, if you are unable to keep up your minerals and vitamins. Wait until you are healed enough to nourish the body adequately to do the CE.

A variety of coffee is appropriate for use, light to medium roasts, caffeinated, organic, and made from Arabica beans. Dark roasts are not appropriate because the potent compounds have been roasted out. If you are new to coffee enemas, start with a medium or light roast. Coffee must be organic and we recommend fair-trade, sustainable coffee.


We recommend you consume three 8 oz (240mL) servings of organic vegetable juices over the course of the day for each coffee enema done, as you lose some electrolytes in the enema process. Not to mention, the juices contain a balance of vitamins with the minerals to support the body.
Juice selections – all should be organic:
Carrot Juice or Carrot/Apple Juice
Coconut water
Green juice

You are looking to consume enough juice with about this total amount of electrolytes for each enema:

Sodium 1000mg

Potassium 4000mg

Magnesium 400mg

PREPARING THE ENEMA OPTION ###################1

Note: the CE solution can be prepped hours before you do the CE. Store in the fridge for up to 48 hours before it should be used. Heat on the stove to raise the temp up to just over body temp.

Ingredients and supplies needed for one enema:

  1. Put the coffee grounds and water in the pan. (see above)
  2. Cover pot and bring the solution to a boil. (covering reduces the time to bring to a boil).
  3. Remove the cover and let boil for 5 minutes. (releases the oils)
  4. Cover pot, reduce the heat, and simmer for 15 minutes.
  5. Let the solution cool to body temperature or just above. (Can place the pan in cool water.)
  6. Strain out the coffee grounds with a fine mesh stainless steel strainer.
  7. Some of the liquid will have boiled away. Add enough distilled water to have 32 oz of liquid or about 1 liter,
  8. Use the this liquid (including any silt) at body temperature for the enema.

How do I make the enema coffee? OPTION ###################2

  1. In a Stainless-Steel pot (never aluminum), add 1 Quart / 1 Liter of Distilled water (Never tap water.)
  2. Add 3 rounded Tablespoons of organic, ground coffee – light or medium roast – made with Arabica beans. (Never instant or decaffeinated coffee.)
  3. Cover pot and bring to a boil.
  4. Remove cover, and let boil for 5 minutes.
  5. Then cover pot, and simmer for 15 minutes.
  6. Let cool and then strain the coffee, and use at body temperature.
    (Always strain out coffee grounds, and just use the liquid for enema).
  7. Some of the liquid will have been boiled away, so always add enough distilled water to make the enema be one full quart / one full liter.

Instructions OPTION ###################3

Instructions Supplies Needed

To prepare one quart (four cups) of coffee, which is used for one enema session:

1. Place 3 tablespoons of organic coffee grounds (this amount may be reduced to 2 tablespoons if one is not dealing with cancer) in one quart (four cups) of purified or spring water. The coffee should be organic and must be caffeinated. Prepare the coffee in a glass, ceramic or stainless steel pot. Aluminum is not recommended as the aluminum can leach into the coffee.

2. Bring 2-­‐3 tablespoons of organic coffee to a boil and let boil for 5 minutes; then simmer for 15 minutes. Strain using a fine mesh strainer. Add additional purified or spring water to bring the coffee mixture to one quart (four cups).

3. The coffee can be made the night before each use. Reheat to body temperature before using.

4. Place a thick towel and a pillow for your head on the floor near the toilet. Waterproof pads are a good idea, as they will protect your floor in the event of a spill or leakage.

5. Hang enema bag from a cabinet knob, which allows bag to hang about 18-­‐21 inches from the floor. If using an enema bucket, place bucket on a stool, chair or tub platform so that it is elevated about 18-­‐21 inches above the floor.

6. Make sure the tubing on your enema bag or bucket is clamped closed before pouring in the coffee. Pour the quart of coffee into the enema bag or bucket.

7. Lubricate the tip of the colon tube using olive oil or coconut oil. Biodynamic Wellness 107 N. Acacia Avenue Solana Beach, CA 92075 858.259.6000 3

8. Lie on your left side or your back and insert the colon tube slowly 6-­‐18 inches (never more than 18 inches) into the rectum. If the tube kinks pull out and try again, as kinking will block the flow of the coffee.

9. Release the clamp, letting about a pint of coffee (two cups, which is half the amount in the bag or bucket) flow slowly in, and re-­‐clamp. If the coffee does not flow there is most likely a kink in the tube. Withdraw the tube, reinsert, and try again.

10. Turn to your right side. Hold the coffee for 12-­‐15 minutes. At first, it may be difficult to retain the enema. That is okay. Gradually work up to the 12-­‐15 minutes. Holding the enema longer than 15 minutes is counterproductive.

11. After 15 minutes expel the liquid in the toilet.

12. Wait about 5 minutes to ensure that you are finished eliminating and then repeat the enema as directed in steps 6-­‐11 with the remaining coffee.

13. After each use, clean the enema bag or bucket and tubing with hot water and soap. Rinse with hydrogen peroxide and hang to dry.

Catheter or Colon Tube?

There are many reasons we recommend using the catheter (also called a colon tube – either rubber or silicon) – from getting the coffee solution into the preferred place in your colon (so that it is near the portal vein, that gets the caffeine which goes to liver, to then dilate the bile ducts), to being able to hold the coffee solution longer. The most important reason is that since the red rubber catheter is more pliable, you don’t run the risk of puncturing your colon.–1-connector-combo-save-25-!.html

Order size 20 FR.

If you would like a silicon catheter, order this:…/catheter….

Order the 16 or 18FR size.

Coffee Requirements

The coffee used in an enema should be organic, caffeinated, light to medium roast, and made from Arabica beans.